24 thoughts on “

  1. a summer fairy 🙂

    First of all, these photos are all wonderful. The skirt matches nature 🙂
    I have never been so jealous of flowers and trees before 🙂

    I will comment based on file names: (#1 is “skirt1.jpg”, etc.)

    #1 – Looks like a fairy or nymph breathing life into a flower. Very artistic. Something that I could see being used in advertisement 🙂

    #2 – here is my caption: “Yes, I am walking in the flower beds, but I am so gorgeous, you are not even going to try to stop me!”

    #3 – I think this is my favorite. It is a little bit sexual; the eyes are very inviting. And your hands are wrapped around that big piece of wood 😉

    #4 – It seems that you are so happy with nature that you want to eat it! Were you about to laugh when this was taken?

    #5 – “I bet you wish you were this flower!” 🙂

    #6 – Makes me think of a Matador… Also makes me think about running towards you like a bull… Ole!

    #7 – It looks like we caught you doing something you are not supposed to do.

    #8 – Beautiful picture. It really feels like you are looking at me. It makes me smile. Your smile is contagious… like a disease that everyone wants to have 🙂

    #9 – Very playful. “Alright! Will you please stop looking at me!?”

    #10 – Which is more lovely, you or the flower? Sorry flower… maybe next year.

    #11 – Well… there are two obvious reasons that I like this one 🙂 (I’m such a man!)

    #12 – There is that smile again! I can’t help it… I’m smiling here 🙂

    #13 – This one is very pleasant. It looks like you might be dancing with nature here. It even looks like you can hear music that we can’t. This is the one that most makes you look like a fairy to me.

    All such wonderful photos. I would compliment the photographer, but it does not take skill to make such a beautiful woman look good 🙂

    Thank you for the nice post.

  2. Абалденные фотки! Такая тематика! Особенно на берегу – вообще нет слов! Ты такая классная. Ну, с наступлением лета тогда!:-)

  3. Спасибо ))
    На берегу – мои любимые ))

    Только лето у нас ненадолго, вот послезавтра будет опять +10 и дожди 🙁

  4. :))

    У меня на работе все женщины/девушки сидят на диетах и каждый раз спрашивают, как мне удается быть такой skinny. Я им ничем помочь не могу, потому что вроде никаких правил никогда не придерживалась, ем все подряд и спортом никогда не занималась. Они решили, что во всем “виноваты” русские гены :))

  5. в каждой фотке своя неповторимая изюминка. прям и не нахвалишься, тьфу-тьфу-тьфу, и красота природы, и яркие краски, и твоя фигурка, и роскошные волосы, и блеск в глазах, и образы… всё настолько красиво,
    сразу в национальный музей штатов идти, и просить для своих фоток отдельный зал :-))).

  6. все оч красивые :))

    верхний ряд – средняя 😉
    второй ряд – крайняя правая!

  7. у вас очень интересная внешность!
    и еще зеленая юбка здесь очень красивая 🙂

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